Your video digitized

Digititizing video and audio to safeguard your memories for the future

Converting videotapes

Do you still have videotapes at home and have you not watched them for a while? And you even have several types of video tapes. We can convert your videotapes to a digital format. Because videotapes can age and lose their information as a result. 

We convert all your video tapes (Video 2000, BetaMAX, VHS, S-VHS, VHS-C, S-VHS-C, Video8, Hi8, Digital8, miniDV, DV, miniDVCAM, DVCAM, HDV) to the digital format of your choice on professional equipment to deliver the best quality for you. This allows you to save the video images and share your memories with friends and family. You can also contact us for the Professional videotapes.

Why should you digitize videotapes

Videotapes are magnetic carriers that lose their information over the years. The stored video images and sound on the videotape will slowly fade as a result. Among other things, the image information depends on the quality of the video tape and the way it is stored. Once videotapes have lost image and sound information, it becomes difficult to recover. Disturbances can often be seen as interference stripes, noise (snow) or image disturbance seen in the corners of the image. That is why timely digitization of videotapes is important to maintain the quality of video images and sound. Once a videotape has been digitized it is stored as a file on a hard drive so that it can be kept for a longer period of time.

How videotapes are digitized

We make use of professional studio equipment which improves aging as much as possible when digitizing the video material. Disturbed video images and noise stripes are prevented or cleaned with a ‘Time Base Generator’ (TBC). We also use modern digital techniques that further improve the video images. For this we use ‘Broadcast industry (TV)’ professional equipment, such as the Blackmagic Teranex and the AJA FS3 (brand names). These significantly improve the picture and sound, resulting in less noise and stable images. Digitizing produces a sleek and clear end result.

The result of digitizing videotapes

When your videotapes have been converted to a digital format, we will stop the aging process and you can enjoy the material longer. This allows you to preserve family history, holidays, celebrations, such as weddings and the birth of your children for the futore. The memories you have recorded are often unforgettable and must be preserved. It also makes it easier to back up or copy and share it with your family and children. When your videotapes have been digitized, you can easily view the material on a PC, laptop or your television set. The files can be delivered in various digital formats. Usually this will be an MP4 file which can be viewed perfectly on the mentioned playback equipment. You have been at the right place for all your digitization jobs. We have years of experience and can be of service to you with the best equipment.

Type of videotapes

Videotape analog format

Analog videotapes have been around since 1975 (Sony with Betamax), in 1976 (JVC with VHS) and in 1979 (Philips with Video2000). Later there was an improved version for VHS with a higher quality S-VHS (Super-VHS) and a smaller tape for the Camcorders (S) -VHS-C. Sony also came up with a new tape format namely Video8 in 1985 and later Hi-8 in 1989, which were excellent for use in Camcorders.

Videotape digital format

Digital videotapes came around 1995 and have a better quality than the previous analog videotapes. The videotape system DV, DVCAM, DVCPRO and HDV are examples of digitally stored signal on video tapes from that time. The Video8 and Hi-8 system received a digital version for a short while, namely Digital8.

In addition to the mentioned consumer videotapes, we can also convert professional formats videotapes for you.

Type of videodisks

The DVD disk

In addition to the videotape, the DVD was introduced in 1995 by various brands (Sony, JVC, Philips, etc). The DVD (Digital Versatile/ Video Disc) quickly took over from the videotape when it comes to pre-recorded films. These shiny silver discs quickly became popular. Recording to a DVD came a little later and this took over recording video to the videotape. The DVD is still a frequently used image and sound carrier.

The Blu-Ray Disk

The Blu-Ray Disk was created with the introduction of High Definition (HD) video images. The blue shiny discs are the same size as the DVD and can store much more data.

When in 2010 the USB and other Solid state carriers SSD (drives) came within reach of the consumer, they often took over from the disks.


VHS videotape
Super HG VHS videotape
Super VHS videotape
SVHS videotape
Video8 videotape
Fuji Video8 videotape
miniDV videotape
Sony miniDV Excellence videotape
Hi8 videotape
Sony Hi8 Master videotape

Video recorders

Hi8 professional machine
Sony professional Video8 and Hi8 machine
DV professional machine
Sony professional DV, miniDV and DVCAM machine
(S)VHS professional machine
Sony SVO5800 professional VHS and SVHS machine
Teranex Video Converter
Teranex Video format converter
(S)VHS Professional machine
Panasonic AG7650 VHS and SVHS machine
AJA Video Converter
AJA FS3 Video format converter
Professional machine DV
Sony DSR1500p controlpanel
Teranex Video Converter
Teranex Video converter controlpanel

Digital media

DVD disk
Double layer DVD disk
Externe HDD
Extern Harde drive 2,5" HDD
BluRay disk
Single Layer BluRay disk 25 Gb
USB stick
Sandisk USB 3.0 stick
SSD drive
Sandisk Externe Solid State Disk